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My Mortgage Blog

Your dream home is within reach, but have you considered how your credit score can make or break your mortgage application? Let's break it down in this quick Facebook post.

Why Credit Scores Matter:

Credit scores are more than just numbers – they're crystal balls that predict how reliable you are with your bills. Mortgage lenders and financial institutions use them to decide if they should take the risk of lending you money for your home, credit cards, or even that awesome apartment.

The Factors That Shape Your Score:

Your credit score isn't a random digit; it's crafted from specific elements:

a. Payment History (35%): Paying your past debts on time is huge for your score. Late payments, public records, and collections can ding you.

b. Credit Utilization (30%): Keep an eye on how much credit you're using compared to what's available to you. Credit cards come into play here.

c. Credit History Length (15%): The longer you've responsibly managed credit, the better your score.

d. Public Records (10%): Bankruptcy or collection issues can harm your score.

e. Inquiries (10%): Whenever someone peeks at your credit for lending purposes, it registers as an inquiry. Too many within a short period can lower your score.

Score Variations and Soft vs. Hard Inquiries:

Different credit bureaus and their algorithms can result in varying scores. Plus, understand the difference between soft (no impact) and hard (potential impact) inquiries.

Remember, your credit score is vital, but it's not the whole story. Mortgage lenders also consider your income, job history, and down payment when making decisions. It's a package deal!

Ready to explore mortgage options? Reach out to us for personalized guidance. Your dream home awaits!  #Mortgages #CreditScores #HomeOwnership