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My Mortgage Blog — Latest Posts
Renewing your mortgage, here is what you need to know
.Consumers are much more informed these days about mortgages and mortgage products, and are highly engaged, especially millennials who are comfortable searching the Internet for information and...
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How to use your RRSP for a Down Payment
Options for first time home buyersInterest rates are going up, mortgage rules have changed and house prices in some parts of the country don’t seem to be going down – yet. This may not look good for...
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Mortgage Changes Ahead
As you probably know, the mortgage rules are changing once again, effective January 1. The introduction of the minimum qualifying rate (stress test), this time for uninsured buyers, may be the...
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What’s really going on in Canada’s housing market?
What are we to make of the mixed messages in the media? Are we in a bubble? Has the bubble burst? Are prices going up? Are prices going down? Are sales down or are sales up? Are new housing starts up...
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